Uganda Annual National SDG Conference

Open Space Centre participated in the National SDG Conference from June 22-23rd at the Kampala Speke resort Munyonyo. The conference facilitated analyzing and sharing key messages of the Mid-Term Progress on SDGs and preparing different stakeholders to participate in the annual High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). The overall objective of the National SDG conference was to review Uganda’s mid-term progress with a focus on the interlinkages and leveraging national and continental actions for accelerated delivery of SDGs and Agenda 2063.     The SDG conference featured a series of integrated activities and high-level meetings that included a series of capacity-building workshops, exhibitions, expert panels, and plenary presentations highlighting progress made towards the attainment of the 2030 SDG targets through the localizing SDGs project.   Under the theme “Leveraging Inclusive National and Continental Actions for Accelerated Delivery on the SDGs and Agenda 2063”, the Second Uganda Annual SDG Conference will be conducted under the three sub-themes that will inform the high-level panel discussions as follows.  • Financing frameworks and opportunities for regional cooperation and accelerated delivery on SDGs and Agenda 2063   • Leveraging science, technology, and innovation for accelerated delivery on SDGs and Agenda 2063.   • Leaving No One Behind: The Ultimate Benefit of SDG Localization    The primary SDGs of focus during the SDG conference included;  Goal 6: clean water and sanitation  Goal 7: affordable and clean energy  Goal 9: industry, innovation, and infrastructure  Goal 11: sustainable cities and Communities  Goal 17: partnerships for the Goals    The UASDGC23 was also premised on the fact that the majority of the UN member stated would be reviewing the mid-term progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs through the SDG Summit 2023 in New York under the auspices of the UN General Assembly in September 2023. In this regard, the Conference offered a platform for Open Space, CSOS and government to reflect on the midterm progress and level of implementation of NDPIII in addition to showcasing some of the catalytic innovations that have spurred action and accelerated SDG implementation. midterm progress of SDGs and reflects on how its leveraged regional frameworks and opportunities for integrated delivery on SDGs and Agenda 2063.  The Conference provided for both physical and virtual participation and brought together participants and stakeholders from Ministries, high-level policymakers, officers and experts from Ministries, Departments and Agencies, UN Agencies, African Union Civil Society Organizations, Business and Industry Organizations, Academia and Research Institutions, Development Partners, and international participants including regional UN offices and Media.      Specific Objectives   • To conduct a mid-term progress review on the attainment of the 2030 Agenda for  Sustainable Development  • To review the sub-national and regional actions and commitments for accelerated implementation of the SDGs and A2063  The Conference served as a platform for the sharing of experiences, good practices, and lessons learned in efforts to implement the two agendas. 

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Empowering Youth for Change

Over the past few months circus Zambia has implemented Community Entry Dialogue Sessions with community members from Mutendere community in Lusaka. The Youth discussed issues around Sustainable Development Goal number 3-Good Health and Well Being. Major issues that came out where the prevalence of Drug Abuse in these communities. There has been a rise in the consumption of alcohol and subsequent mental health issues.   The Youth also underwent a capacity building training on SDG 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Topics included but were not limited to: Rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all. Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms Effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels Responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative decision-making at all levels Legal identity for all, including birth registration. Public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreement The training was conducted by the United Nations Youth Association in collaboration with Global Platform Zambia (an Action Aid Initiative).  After the training, the Youth Task Force implemented the Youth Parliament and Community Entry Dialogue. The Youth have also been spreading information around issues of the Sustainable Development Goals through a Radio program on Yatsani Radio. They continue to incorporate pressing issues from the Community Entry Dialogue sessions to educate the community on the different Sustainable Development Goals.

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Promoting Environmental Health in Uganda

This video takes us to the Makindye Division in Kampala, Uganda, where Open Space Uganda and Crossing Borders have been organising several community engagement workshops to promote environmental health. Community members, especially young people, are invited to learn more about SDG 3 on “Good health and well-being” and work together to uplift the people around them. Through interactive sessions and inspiring discussions, this workshop breathes life into the pursuit of a healthier environment for all.     These community engagement workshops are part of our project on localising the SDGs and made possible with the support of CISU. Together, we aspire to create positive change and promote local ownership over the implementation of the SDGs. Have you also read Promoting Environmental Health in Uganda Teaching for Sustainability at May Christian College Nkumba Community Sensitisation on Solid Waste Management Localizing SDGs In High Schools in Uganda ‘Sesaamu’ Sessions with Community Leaders to Localize SDGs in Uganda.

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